Roads & Bridges Department - Introduction
Sikkim is a landlocked State and comprises of young & fragile mountains, rivers, streams and water springs; thus, making it both diverse and vulnerable to natural catastrophe. The State is bereft of railways and waterways and recently, the decision of Spicejet to discontinue its flights from Pakyong Green field Airport until technical standards are met, makes roadways the only means of feasible transportation for the State.
Sikkim lies in the seismic Zone V and the re-occurring seismic movements and heavy rainfall trigger off landslides and movement of cap soil resulting in damage of roads and bridges thereby, breaching the normal lifeline.
Roads & Bridges Department is entrusted with the onus of providing basic infrastructure in the State, which involves:
- Planning
- Construction and
- Maintenance of Roads & Bridges
The Department makes full use of its fleet of machineries to clear and ensure uninterrupted movement of vehicles during the times of Natural Calamity.
It has been a constant endeavor on the part of the Roads & Bridges Department to expand its road network throughout the State targeting connectivity in every village, institutions of education and health, market areas and tourists and religious destinations.
Over the last three decades, the network of roads in the State has increased by over 100%. At present, Roads & Bridges Department maintains 2308.52 Km of road including the National Highway.
Efforts are also being made by the Department to connect Sikkim with its neighboring countries like – Nepal & Bhutan.